Real Estate Serving Nassau, Suffolk & Queens – 631-961-4626

When you are ready to buy a home, you must know what your credit score is.  If it is on the low side, then you must try to repair your credit in order to just qualify for a loan or so you don’t get a high interest rate.  When buying a home, I can’t stress enough how important it is to know what your credit score is and how you can take steps to improve it.  Too many times a buyer finds a home they would like to purchase and they come to find out that their credit score is sub-par, which disqualifies them from getting a mortgage today.   There are ways to improve your credit scores, whether it be through a professional or on your own.

If you would like to start your path to home ownership and you need to repair you credit, conduct an internet search for ways to repair your credit.  There is a ton of info out there, so do your research.  If you need a point in the right direction, contact me and I will be happy to help you out.  In the next post, I will discuss how the credit agencies break down and weigh your score.